Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Edited Final Sketch-up door


Brick wall with hidden human door, 81KB

Final Sketch-up door

Hidden door shaped as human-push rectangles to get through wall, 200KB

Sketch-up door

Swing door shaped as human, 88KB

Monday, April 27, 2009

7 Wall Sketches

Wall 7- Foldout window to open the door from the left 616KB
Wall 6- Hinged folding doors plus cubby-hole doors 1.1MB
Wall 5- Swing door as human body outline 1000KB
Wall 4- Door created in the shape of the wall paper 1.8MB
Wall 3- Gate with smaller gate inside 3.1MB
Wall 2- Foldout cubby-hole, with ramp to create a door 432KB
Wall 1- Sliding, hidden brick door 452KB