Thursday, May 28, 2009

Published movie

Object: door

My door has been re-designed into a space ship emergency exit.
The materials used a strong metals and glass because they relate back to a space ship design. I have designed the exit in a human body shape to add an affective look and make in unique from other ordinary doors. The outline of the door is in what I call a “running” pose so if indeed an emergency was to accrue the astronauts can literally run and jump through the door.
When you push through the wall the pieces with fall out the other side and a couple will even disburses in smaller pieces. In my movie I have designed in so the pieces will float away as if it was truly in space. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Experience creater

Final published video

Deep Exploration 3views

Inside view

Motion view

Tilted view

Print screnes of final design

Outside of spaceship where the escape door will open Inside view where the person escapes from

Further developement

Edited the design to portray a spaceship rather than a airplane

Further development

Changed the enviroment to a airplane scene

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Edited Final Sketch-up door


Brick wall with hidden human door, 81KB

Final Sketch-up door

Hidden door shaped as human-push rectangles to get through wall, 200KB

Sketch-up door

Swing door shaped as human, 88KB

Monday, April 27, 2009

7 Wall Sketches

Wall 7- Foldout window to open the door from the left 616KB
Wall 6- Hinged folding doors plus cubby-hole doors 1.1MB
Wall 5- Swing door as human body outline 1000KB
Wall 4- Door created in the shape of the wall paper 1.8MB
Wall 3- Gate with smaller gate inside 3.1MB
Wall 2- Foldout cubby-hole, with ramp to create a door 432KB
Wall 1- Sliding, hidden brick door 452KB 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Final photoshop/illustrated images

Repetition-500 KB (Whole image created in illustrator, then placed into photoshop to upload)
Datum-168 KB (Image placed in illustrator then i added 3 thick black outlines over the original image, then placed it back into photo shop to finish the rest of the head-piece.)
composition-348 KB (Image and pattern imported into illustrator then altered line and neon glow, then dragged back into photoshop to final space port effect.) 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Final photoshoped images

Contrast-65.3 KB
Asymmetry-285 KB

hierarchy-59.1 KB

Rhythm-317 KB

more Final sketch-up images

Repetition-128 KB
Datum-176 KB
Composition-204 KB

Final sketch-up images

Contrast-107 KB
Asymmetry-92.2 KB

hierarchy-97.9 KBRhythm-115 KB

more Edited sketch-up images

Repetition-300dp, 164 KB
Datum-300dp, 156 KB
Composition-300dp, 364 KB

Edited sketch-up image

Contrast-300dp, 1.2 MB
Asymmetry-300dp, 1.2 KB
Hierarchy-300dp, 612 MB

edited rhythm-300dp, 1.4 MB

Rhythm-115 KB

Monday, March 23, 2009

more 3D patterns

Rhythm-300dp, 940 KB
Repetition-300dp. 288 KB
Hierarchy-300dp, 248 KB

3D patterns

Figure ground-300dp, 276 KB
Datum-300dp, 224 KB
Contrast-300dp, 224 KB
Composition/proportion-300dp, 252 KB
Asymmetry-300dp, 224 KB

Final patterns repeated-Rhythm- 300dp, 3.6 MB

Final patterns repeated-Contrast- 300dp, 1.6 MB